Sunday, April 10, 2011

I'm stuck in the 80's

So Friday night I got to meet my host parents friends. They were all pretty cool, sat around talking and listening to 80s music. Some Meregene/Salsa dancing. They loves to see the gringo try and dance.  All their friends are parents of kids that are friends. Like here in the States when parents all get together.  They love their Chilean wine, had some beers and they drink whisky on the rocks...

Got to talk to some friends this weekend from home, always a plus.  My real parents are sending me a care package from home(10 days). Looking forward to dipping again, been craving nicotine and been supplying myself with cigarettes, yes I know it's terrible...

Last night I watched Universidad de Chile, or 'U', which is not the actual university, but a professional soccer team here in Chile.  There are, I guess two big teams, the other is Cola Cola.  My host-dad is a super fan of the 'U' and has a few(like 20) real jerseys and almost every other type of clothing with the U's logo on it.  We watched the game last night and they tied another team 2-2.  I thought he'd go nuts when they scored, like how the announcer always screams GOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLL!!! after someone scores. However, this is not the case, a big smile and cheers was all that occurred.  One of my host Dad's friends was watching it with us, and after three rum and cokes, he was hamboned telling me every 2 minutes in some broken english that he loves USA, "USA Good" with a thumb up and a smile.  Oh Alcohol....

However, Earlier that day we went to like a nature park/someone's house.  It was about 8 miles away.  Here are some pictures, it was really pretty.

Yes, they have paved roads, and the countryside looks like this.

And this. On both sides of the road, a little more interesting than corn fields...

Well, here is the name of the place, but it is seriously someone's house. 

Hummingbird's nest.

 A hummingbird/Picaflor. There were like 25 buzzing around. 
I tried to get a video of them, but they are super fast.

¡Que Linda! 

From the left: Antonia, Martina, Matias. Two on the right are my host siblings.

Super huge Cactus, (Cacti?)

Haha, How'd this get in here?

Also had a lot of birds, roosters/chickens, and huge turtles.

 A look at Arica on the way home.

Blatant lie. From the government, smoking reduces your sexual performance. Although it is creative.
Cheap, this pack and a lighter was 2 dollars. Got to be 6 dollars at home. probably 10 in the city.

Some more off topics things.  They don't sell regular size deodorant at the pharmacias, only travel sizes. And people that know me, know that I love buying things in bulk, Sam's Club/Costco.  Everything here is small, not in bulk.  Frustrating. And I need big sticks of deodorant, I sweat all day.  

Oh and Tom thought I should mention this, somewhat comical.  So I got a girl's number here the night I went dancing.  Sent her a text, because obviously it would be easier for me to read/communicate than hear chilean spanish. Got nothing back, asked why to my head-teacher Christopher.  His response was 'did you tell her who you are/were?' No I didn't.  In the states if I give my number out, usually I don't do it multiple times in a night so if in fact I do get a text (from an unknown number)I probably know who it is and/or respond with 'Who is this?'.  Haha, apparently it doesn't work that way here. Or she didn't like me, which this isn't the first time that has happened to me, haha. 

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