Monday, April 4, 2011

Chilean Students | This Saturday

A couple odd things I would like to point out about Chilean students.  It takes them FOREVERRRRRRR, to take notes, not that they write slow, but for some weird reason they love using red and blue/black pens.  Either the first letter is red or something in their notes is red.  So they keep switching pens and it just takes forever.  For me note taking is get it down as fast as you can, before the teacher takes it down.  But here in Arica, they take their time.  Another thing that add to their slowness while taking notes, the students love, i mean they love to whiteout every little mistake, they all have these little whiteout pens.  I don't know about you, but if I mess up in my notes I scratch it out and move on, then again things are a little bit slower.

First class today, I took half the class, I also took about 4 cell phones from people.  I am not going to be Mr. Nice guy.  Some of the classes are well-behaved. The one I had today, was not.  Its not like they don't try, most of them do, but its english, I don't really think they want to learn.  And they are socialites, meaning every chance they get, they we gossip/talk to eachother about everything and anything.  I tried to give directions in english, and I get an uproar of 'No entendí' meaning I don't understand.

I didn't take any pictures this saturday as I don't like bringing my camera out with me while I am drinking. I mean I have lost my phone 7 times in the past 2.5 years, all while drinking. I do not want to lose my camera...  So sorry no pictures.  However, Christopher came to pick me up at my house at 6 pm for some drinks at his friends' house.  They picked us up in their car and we drove to their house.  This house is absolutely beautiful.  Wood floors, entire tiled bathroom, just well designed.  They even have grass in their backyard, which they said they must water it twice a day.(remember I am in the driest desert in the world).  Most of the kids speak english, Christopher's friend is Daniella, and she is going to Indiana later this month to see her husband who is Colombian.  She is a very cool girl, her borther Jorge is the man as well. I forgot daniella's age, but jorge is 21.  She must be around Christopher's age at around 26-29.  They had two of her friends over, I forget their names, and an English/British girl named Claire.  Well we drank beer/wine all afternoon and had Salchichilas, which is like a fatter hot dog, but it is made of Chorizo. Bread(Chilean eat copious amounts of bread), and My brain is failing me at the moment, but the Chilean verison of Pico de Gallo(onions, cilantro, tomatoes).  Finally some spiciness.  I had a fun time talking to everyone, and introduced the little sister to Apocalytica(as she liked Metallica). ANd played her little brother who doesn't know very much english in Fifa on PS3.  Yea, I was losing 4-0 before the end of the half, so I quit.

 After that I left with Daniella's friend Gabby and the British girl Claire.  We picked up Ricky(chilean) at his apartment, and went to a bar called Mojitos.  The bar was really nice, on the coast with all different kinds of mojitos.  I, of course had a regular(Cubaño), others had a apple and mango.  Anyway midway through our time at the bar, a friend of theirs named Christian from Germany came by.  After a few drinks we all went to a disco(kind of like a club, pure dancing).  I of course danced, saw a few girls not moving and tried to get them to dance, only worked with a few, but my ballroom dancing helped as we danced for the rest of the night.  Her friends mingled with my new found friends(Ricky and Christian) and we had fun.  However, after talking to Christopher, apparently this is a tactic that girls use. They don't move at a disco and wait for guys to buy them drinks.

Nothing ever changes.

We all went back to Ricky's apartment, I texted my host-mom and told her I wasn't coming home.  As apparently everyone thinks its dangerous at night, and I was a 20 minute walk from my house.  Also, I think I've smoked more cigarettes this night than I have in my life.  They are really cheap here and everyone and their mother does it.  Hopefully that was a one time deal.

I only got yelled at by my host-grandma while returning to the house around 1:30, as I went to bed at 6:30am.  And I slept all day yesterday and listened to the hawks lose on the radio vs TB.  Tonight is Martina's cumpleaños Today, she turns 3. Let's see what's in store for tonight...

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