Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day - Baptism

Well happy Mother's day to all you mothers out there....
Host Grandma last night when the clock hit 12:00 for mother's day, I gave her a flower.

Well on to big and better things, such as a big fiesta for a Baptism or Bautizo. Everyone went to the church at 6, except my host-parents and me.  I think they didn't go, because I was at the hospital for 4 hours waiting to get my stitches out from my head.  Two stitches to get put in and taken out was a total of 60 dollars.  I should have just cut them out myself...  At least it doesn't look like I have a piece of bread on my head now, and many people who I've spoken to/seen on the street and mentioned that I have something on my head...

Well anyway after napping for about 2 hours, because I got home at 6, we left at 8:30.  We arrived and I'll let the pictures speak for themselves, well with the help of captions.

The place:
 A look at the place we went to. Really boring at first, sitting on the walls talking...

Then the finger food came out, and at this time is where I took these two photos.  As you can see it's decorated.

 They even have napkins, this is to show it's importance in chilean culture. And weird fact, they get baptised at 3 not when they are babies/newborns.

More decorations, even the balloons had the little boy's name on them.

Finger food, made by my host-mom's cousins. Her cousin married a man from switzerland and they live there now.  The green stuff is spinich, it was good.  The other is cheese and ham o jamon y queso.

MMmmm... called CervicĂ©(i don't know how to spell it).  Fish that has cilantro, onions and lemon juice. 

Followed by croissants, empandas(there's no party in chile without these), and Shisco-bobs(?).

After eating, wine is given out, of course. And then they had a DJ and dancing afterwards. Photo of Boris y Claudia dancing.  A girl gave me her number at a family function... I don't know whether I wooed her from my dancing skills, or because we wants to take english lessons(yea definitely the latter). We danced majority of the night, and yes I cut a rug.

I don't have too many pictures of me in here so here is one for ya, with my host-parents.

Last night was fun, very different experience than the somber Baptism parties in the US.  I hope someone gets married while I am here so I can experience a wedding.

Things on the mind, updates

Luggage isn't here yet, maybe tomorrow or Tuesday. Running out of dip.  Bought my host-grandma some thin mint chocolates and host-mom a bottle of wine(thanks dad for the suggestions).  Planning classes is getting easier, but I need to do some more fun activities I think...  First hangover here in Chile, Boris and I stayed up for a long time drinking rum and cokes... It hurts...  I have a bunch of pictures from the Valle de LLuta, but I am waiting for the next time we go there, in 2 weeks, to make one big post about that...

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