Thursday, May 19, 2011

Comida/food Misa/Mass

I have no really spoken to much about food, other than the fact that I get 2 squares a day not counting breakfast(bread+butter+cheese).  My appetite has not yet yearned for bread, butter and cheese, So I make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for breakfast.  It is nice to get a little taste of home.  But usually I eat rice everyday, coffee either in the morning if my classes are later, or at night if my classes are earlier, to stay awake, either to go on the internet, talk to my host-family, or hang out with my host-grandpa who is an avid soccer fan, I wouldn't say a fanatic(like my host-dad over one team), but he usually watches every chance he gets, whether its during the day or at night or on weekends and he can be seen watching the big games around the world if they are on.  Especially Barcelona or Real Madrid... I have actually learned a lot about soccer(i ask questions like a little boy when we watch) and compare it often to hockey, but hockey is just on a completely different level. Well after that tangent...

Food, yes I usually get meat with the rice and either potatoes, which are always skinned, no matter what, or like a lentle soup with beans and some other stuff.... I said I liked fried(carmelized onions) onions, and got that for about 2 weeks with everything I ate...  But the lentle soup is very popular here, as I had it in the hostel in Santiago and here as well. The meat everyday differs, some days I get a slim piece of 'steak'(about the size of my hand, about .25 inch think), they always use the stove for lunch and microwave what is left for dinner.  Other kinds of meat include carne molido especial, which is ground beef.  Or a meal that come around at least once a week, usually on the weekend is large pieces of chicken broiled, with pasta, and a kinda of ketchup sauce.  I say ketchup, because they really don't use too many sauces here.  Again meat, sometimes we have fish, we had swordfish one night, and tuna from a can in their potatoe/mayo/bean/pasta like soup, but its thick...

All in all the found is pretty good, It is very hearty.  The chileans seriously eat about 3 to 4 like large french rolls of bread every day.  One with breakfast, one with lunch and one with once(my family doesn't follow once rules, its supposed to be a snack with tea-coffee, but we have a full blown dinner-cena)I was only eating about half of what they gave me the first 2 weeks, from then on I have been buying bottles of Chileano Aji, which is like hot sauce, but thicker.  It comes in like a 20/18 oz bottle and I have already bought about 12 of them since I have been here. I am glad they are cheap, only 1$.  But my eating schedule has come to a science, I eat my pb and j if I am not coming home for lunch, that is if I have classes all day(3 days of the week). So I eat dinner, of course with aji to finish it all.  When I have classes really late, or early, I can come home and eat lunch, and can only eat about half of what they give me at dinner...

The reason it's a science, is because its like bad manners not to finish your plate, kind of like I was taught with my vegetable when I was little, to clear the plate before I could leave the table...
Chilean Catholic Mass

So I went to another mass, We are going to LLuta to bring the crosses up, I want to write an entire post on this with pictures and videos, but I don't when I'll be able to upload them... anyway, this mass was done by one of the priests at our school, and yes we did have a homily, it was super long, like a good 30 minutes(seems longer when you have no idea what the heck is being said), The entire mass seemed rushed like before(we went to the same place), but it was a around a full hour this time, because of the homily, I believe...

ps.  got paid by the government today, kinda nice not going to lie.

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