Friday, August 5, 2011

Cordoba p2

First night in Cordoba

I love hostels, you don’t need to know anyone in the city your staying and usually the people at the hostels are travelers, like you and want to do something fun.  I met a bunch of Argentines and a guy from Portugal and some more Brasilians.  We decided to hit up the disco.  The happening place in Cordoba on the weekdays is MariaMaria. It was fun, just a disco really, same rules apply as in Chile.  $5 a beer, but you get a liter, so it much better than the normal 3-6 dollars I have been paying in chile, because you only get a bottle.

Messi, Marcos, Alto. Argentinos sin Marcos he was from Portugal. Only 3 of the 7 guys that we went out with.

 We also went out with two Israeli girls, cute, but I was their translator because they only spoke Hebrew and English(the girls ended up going home early).  Everyone else spoke Spanish, again this was the first time where I entered a hostel where the universal language was not English, but I only stayed in hostels in Chile, and really Santiago the capital.  In Iquique, I was with a bunch of friends and not solo, therefore meeting people at the hostel wasn’t a big deal.  However, at MariaMaria, the disco/bar in Cordoba I met 20 guys from England they were on a Rugby team.  I’ve met rugby players before in the states and they are nuts. But really, times that by 100 and you’ll get these guys(yes rugby players from England).  Only a few of them spoke broken Spanish and they were there because they just finished playing a rugby game in Cordoba.  Anyway I think this is a great idea.  When your in a forgein country with 20 other players of rugby/football/hockey team, go to the costume store and buy a costume for when you go out.  It will appear it is Halloween.  These guys were very easy to spot and it was awesome, because I could finally speak English again and they are my kind of people.  Haha they were nuts and I loved it. We had a trip to New York with all the football players in college, we should have done this it would have been sooo awesome.

I only took one picture of these guys, I had tot take the photo of Chewbacca.

2ndo dia en Cordoba

I met a few Argentines  the last time I was in Mexico, they all were super nice, and I’ve kept in contact with a few of them.  It is very easy with facebook nowadays.  Anyway one of the reasons I went to Cordoba was because I knew a friend there.  Her name was Mariana. And boy, did I get lucky, it just so happens the two days that I come to Cordoba, it was her sister’s Marlen's birthday.  She turned 24 she took a shit ton of pictures while I took only one. However before that, Mariana made me lunch, milensa(breaded steak) and mashed potatoes. After that, I met her entire family and Mariana, her mother and I went to a tourist city near Cordoba called Carlos Paz, I took a few pictures, but I guess it is much better in the summer as the river/lake was seco(dry).  We got some ice cream and then we drove by their Soccer statduim which was just played in for the Copa de America. And I got to see the building where they make military airplanes in Argentina.  Once we got back from our excursion we hung out for awhile I got to meet her grandparents and then we left to go to the bus station as I needed to buy my ticket to Buenos Aires for the following day.  We returned to the house being decorated for the festivities later to come.  One of her sister’s friends knew English and wanted to practice.  She also made me some mate, which is strictly argentinian and I had read about it and wanted to try it, its like a mix of tea and coffee(only on the caffeine aspect), but it is somewhat like tea. You just put the mate in the cup and put hot water in it and drink it.  The girl that would make me the mate was gorgeous. In fact most of her friends were gorgeous. Haha, anyway about 30 friends came, and her uncle and her cousins as well.  I got to talk a little bit to her cousin and her other friend that I met in Mexico.  Dinner consisted of about 5 different sauces with another dish of tomatoes and like parsally(think brusecuta) and meat.  So it was like a buffet style making your own sandwiches.  Everything was tasty.  I was told this is a very typical argentine plate.  After dinner we drank fernet and coca(cola).  Which was surprisingly good. I don’t know if we have fernet at home, But I tried to read the bottle but it was all in French.  Mariana’s dad took me home to my hostel, but before they showed me a few more parts of the city.  I’m writing this on the Bus to Buenos Aries, I cannot thank Mariana and her family enough for inviting me to their daughter party, and for bringing me around.  Just that night makes me want to return to Cordoba.  So my two days in Cordoba were pretty sick. I hope BsAs can live up to it. Here are some pictures

Mariana y Yo.

Mate, out of a metal straw.

Their Keys are like old fashioned, thought it was different so I thought I'd add it.

Parilla/Asador, They said they have a lot of parties/grill outs in the summer.

A bit of the party.
Me, Marlen's Boyfriend, Marlen(bday girl), and a Polish girl(she spoke perfect english) at the party.

Cordoba, Beer of Cordoba, good.

Piece of artwork, Mariana's dad said it costs 2 million USD. Beautiful, changes color often.

All in all I want to post publicly that I want to thank Marlen/Mariana/Marcos's family for hacing me and showing around their city it was very nice of them to invite me to Marlen's birthday, as I know it is a closed Family/Friend affair.

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