Saturday, April 30, 2011


This week we had the Aniversario at the school. Basically they have this every year, and it is comparable to our 'Harvest Drive' from my high school.  Every grade is on a team, and it is from 7th graders to seniors.  They have a lot of different competitions and they didn't have the last 1.5 hour class every day this week and the students came back to the school at 6:30(well 7 chilean time) to start these.  I missed the first few days, because I cooked one day, wanted to go Salsa dancing, didn't, but went out to eat with Tearrie instead.  Anyway I made it to the big night night which was Thrusday, and to the beach which was Friday Late morning.  Anyway each grade creates a banner for themselves and here are their team names/banners:

The 7th graders are the Monsters Green.  Their English level is obviosly not up to par yet.
(In spanish the color goes after the noun)

Pink Pig? 'Te da alas' or It gives you wings.

I didn't think my students had an obsession with Red Bull...
Yes, there is a milk carton on this banner, 'Leche de Toro' aka Bull's milk.(lol I found that comical)

Yes all the banners/team names are in English.  I asked a teacher about this, she said because it's 'cool'.  Well for our first event of the evening: Relay Race. Going to let the pictures/videos speak for themselves:

Round 1: Eating a Dulce(sweet) covered, covered in powdered sugar. Some of the kids took 4-5 minutes just on this one as their mouths get super dry.

Round two: Finding a small stick in I think flour, I took a video of this, but its the whole 2 minutes long(too long for my patience for uploading) and you can hear me laughing like a hyena/idiot the entire time.

Round 3: Eating an empanada(meat and onions, 'the' Chilean food). On a side note, the meat and onion empanadas are not my favorite, but the shrimp/seafood and cheese... yum.  Side story to this, the freshman were losing bad to the 7th graders because their 1st rounder couldn't handle the dry dulce. At this round is where it all changed. A big man(lol not a man but 15 year old) seriously took down this empanada in about 30 seconds.

For you viewing pleasure: Empanada to apple.

Round 4: Eating an entire apple(yes core and all) then finishing what looks like an 8 oz can of carbonated water.

Round 5: Spin 5 times with your finger on the ground, followed by:

Threading a needle.

Round 6: Last but not least the race to the finish line doing a squat walk. Their were 6 teams, and they competed 3 at a time.  The second group was super close, and because of the big man's chow down on the empanada, his team was losing by about 10 feet, and his teammate pulled off the win.
Obviously the big man was the MVP in this one.

Video from the apple to finish.


After the relay races, which grade had a band perform a song, 2 of the 6 were English.  These included: 

Creep by Radiohead

And Green Day - Bouluvard of Broken Dreams.  Those two were the worst of the 6.  The 8th graders really rocked their song. I was a judge for all the other sections, I didn't take any pictures of anything, because I was trying to be a good judge, but they had a Mr. and Ms. Piernas(legs) competition.  Where they block off the persons waist up and just show their legs... some used oil and what not, it was kinda really odd, because one, its weird to judge guy's legs... two, because I really like women's legs and these girls were 12-18...

After that there were dances from different cultures.  One had the band play the entire time, all were pretty good and very entertaining.  With like stream poppers for like New Years, but in big tubes, some had guys running around in joker/clown costumes spraying everyone in shaving cream. 

I wish I took more videos/photos but I didn't because I suck. However, I did take a video of the traditional dance of Chile, it's called the Cueca. Here:

No disrespect to these students, but I have seen the Cueca before, it was a lot better.


I went to the beach and saw a few more competitions.  The first one was volleyball, yes we know how to play and have all seen that, so for the others I'll again let the pictures/videos talk for themselves.

The cannot touch the rope on the outside and must all get out.  Seniors won this one by sheer size, their last two guys just flipped over it.


Yes they have dodgeball here, but it's very different than ours.  Take a look, they only use one ball and if you catch it, you retain control, then try to pass back and forth to your teammates who have been hit to get an easy out. Once your hit you get get control of the ball, so the games are almost always close.  You win when the opposing team has 4 people left on their team that can be hit.

I normally do not go to the beach, in fact I don't like sand, however I think this is a pretty obvious game that is played everywhere there is a beach. It's like a relay race against time to fill your bucket up with more water.

The beach was fun and I wish they had a teacher's team, I think I could have done well in dodgeball.  I really wanted to play, even this past weekend my host-dad said to one of his buddies that I am like a child inside an adult's body...

Here are some more pictures of the beach:

Students playing/practicing games.

Purrrdy, by the way, if you didn't know I upload the largest file size so you can click on the photos and they become BIG.

Also I designed a flyer for boris and his family for those large scarves? things for la valle de Lluta. Here is it.

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