Wednesday, November 23, 2011

I miss...

Home:  Family obviously, my Friends though a lot more.  Yea I talk to my parents every week or two, but my Chilean friends just don't compare to my friends in the US.  Maybe I am just used to drunken football players, but it's something I miss.  I miss the food, pizza is a big one, real mexican food, mountain dew, and last but not least, I miss Guinness.  I miss driving. I miss my big comfortable bed. Watching Blackhawks games in HD on a big screen.  I miss going to a sports bar, I miss an actual bar(like with barstools).  I miss stores being open from 1-5pm, and open on Sundays.

Chile: I will miss my friends that I have made in Chile, they are some cool people, I have made plans with them to do something in the next year or so, so we will see if that pans out.  I will miss getting badgered at by my host grandma everyday, being called crazy, and badgering right back at her.  My host grandpa is just THE MAN, he is just the happiest man.  I'll miss my host family in general, but they could never replace my family, obviously.  I will miss the Artesennal(micro brewed) beer on draft at the bar.  Walking to school everyday.  Having home cooked meals everyday.  I will miss staying out until 7/8 am.  Majority of my students, and other teachers.  Wearing football shorts everyday, because it is so hot here.  I will miss the weather(55-75), but I welcome my 4 seasons. I will miss feeling like I am making somewhat of a difference.  I don't know if I can just get any job and feel the same way.  I will miss the ever so rare hot latina, which has a boyfriend or a child.  I will probably miss smoking, at least indoors.  I will miss my most basic phone ever... Since I am writing this before I am leaving Chile, I in fact do not know what I will truly miss until it's gone. Maybe I'll update this(for my personal use) when I get back home.

All I got for now, this was my sister's idea..

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